Originally this movement was developed in New York City — where recreational space is limited — by NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, the CHALK/Just Move program exhibits that even without a gym or outdoor playing space, a school can grant the rank “an active school”.
CHALK/Just Move is characterized as a classroom-based active program created to wake children up and active right at their desks. An activity card set is utilized to introduce the class into aerobic, yoga, stretching, and meditation exercises. Variations to the movements and poses make the program appropriate for children of all ages. Loadings are also academically adjusted to the common state regulations and patterns, giving teachers a permission to weave in math, science, and English language arts material to supplement the plan of the day’s lesson.
Many CHALK/Just Move utilizes music to add fun to studying process. Students are eligible to vote on which songs they prefer to listen to, adding to their enthusiasm and excitement for CHALK/Just Move breaks. It is a confirmed fact that pop music assists to increase heart rates during exercises, while calm tracks assist students to relax at the close of each break, providing a smooth transition back to studying process. CHALK/Just Move is also proposed for Smart Boards, permitting teachers to become creative when adding exercise movements to the learning process.
Student responsibility assists provide the program with fun and embracement. Students may become the models on the activity cards, and leaders aid teachers organize the breaks. Younger students, senior students are invited to exhibit together their teacher because they have already run their breaks. Acknowledgement as a leader is a significant privilege granted; these leaders feel the responsibility to their role. By allowing students to guide their peers, CHALK/Just Move doubles confidence-building in such students either.
Teachers estimate CHALK/Just Move both as a transition means to coordinate students between subjects and as a “reset button” to assist to focus attention to the studying process. Teachers have important flexibility in utilizing the program during the school day as best suitable their lesson plan. This creates CHALK/Just Move practical for application within all the school year and for a variety of schedule configurations.
In 2013 CHALK/Just Move is expanding to schools nationwide, helping to make physical activity an integral, welcome part of the daily lives of children across the country.