Canfield Elementary School

Los Angeles, California

What better way to begin your morning than with some physical activity? The Morning Mile was implemented in January 2012. Students, parents, and faculty arrive to school early to complete a morning mile by either walking or running before 8:05am. Students who complete the mile each morning are awarded a plastic foot charm, which they wear proudly on a necklace. Coaches along with parent volunteers make tally marks on kid’s cards for each lap completed. Student results are charted and on any given day up to 75 kids finish the morning mile. This program has motivated our community to get moving first thing each morning and seeing the community come together for some morning exercise at 7:40am is inspiring and incredibly motivating. It has turned children, parents, and staff into runners and walkers. Kids wake up and beg to go to school early to complete their mile and they feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.